
This is an easy-to-do craft for storing plastic covers we get from grocery shopping. It saves space and its a convenient way to take covers out, one at a time. Also an easy way to sort out small covers from big ones.

What u need:

  • Pipes which comes with kitchen tissue rolls
  • Decorative gift wrapping papers and ribbons
  • Sticky tape
  • Scissors
  • Some decorative flowers if needed
  • Thick thread for hanging

How to make it:

First roll the pipe with the decorative paper, cut the required size of paper and stick it with a sticky tape or glue it. I have used decorative paper for one pipe and some ribbons rolled on the other pipe. Put two holes on the pipe just opposite to each other and tie the required length of thread to it for hanging. Decorate it with flowers by using sticky tape. Now you are ready to insert all your plastic covers inside the pipe. 1 pipe holds approximately 15-18 covers. Decorate your kitchen with these hanging pipes and make your friends and family amazed by your work.

Painting is my hobby. I have done so many of them, but right now i could post only few. All who love paintings..... just have a look at these. Lots more to be posted every month......


Sri Vittaldas Maharaj

Somayaji, Maha Agnichith, Vittaldas Brahmashri Jayakrishna Deekshithar, the grandson of Brahmashri Narayana Deekshithar, and the son of Vadagudy Brahmashri Rama Deekshithar. Brahmashri Vittaldas is also the most blessed-disciple of the Guru Parampara of Gnanananda Giri Swamigal of Dhakshina Halasyam, H H Sri Sri Sri Haridhos Giri Swamigal (Guruji) and Paranur Mahathma Brahmashri Krishna Premi Swamigal (Sri Anna).In this Kali Yug, the only easy way to reach the Feet of God is through chanting of Lord's name. With this in mind, Brahmashri Vittaldas has formed an establishment by name Sri Panduranga Bhajanashram. The main objective is to build a temple for Pandurangan and Rakumayee. Sri Vittaldas is performing Namasankeerthanams and Upanyasams all over the country all over the year with His disciples to spread the importance of Namasankeerthanam. I know him from my childhood and i have heard to most of his preachings and namasankeerthanam.

Sri Vittal Rukmini Mandir

With the divine blessings of Sri Vittal Sri Rukmini Devi, Dakshina Halasyam Sri Gnanananda Giri Peedathipathi Sri Haridhos Giri Swamigal and Paranur Mahathma Sri Krishna Premi Swamigal,Brahmashri Vittaldas Maharaj has started the new temple construction for Sri Pandurangan and Sri Rukmini Devi at Sri Panduranga Bhajanashram premises. The new temple is going to be in North Indian, Maharashtrian style architecture (Hemandapanthi) with 132 ft Gopuram, Garbhagruham (Sanctum Sanctorum), Ardhamandapam, Vasanthamandapam, Mahamandapam and Mahadwaram for an estimated sum of Rupees 3 crores. Please visit http://www.vittalrukmini.org/ for more details

Veda Padasala

To spread Bhakthi cult among the public and to ensure that the message reach the people, eight students have been selected. They are undergoing rigorous training in Vedas, Bhagavatham and Sampradhaya Bhajans. The main objective is that these students should go over all places and deliver the message to the public without expecting any monetary benefits.These students are well versed to do pravachanams in their mother tongue also.
Sri Panduranga Charities
Brahmashri Vittaldas has also formed an institution called Sri Panduranga Charities which has several objectives like spreading vedic knowledge, providing medical relief to poor, to establish and maintain dharmasalas, to provide educational assistance etc,.


In a divine country like India, cows are considered as god and goddess. Sri Vittaldas Maharaj has built a gosala near the temple premises. The uniqueness of this Gosala is that all the cows here are of Brindhavan, Govardhan origin and belong to the parampara of cows grazed by LORD SHRI KRISHNA. A seperate land for this gosala has been identified and procured and all peripheral activities like fencing, laying pipelines, electricity, shelter and regular veterinary checkup for cows are taken care of.
By this way my guru Sri Vittaldas Maharaj is contributing a lot for the welfare of this society and one cannot deny that the best place on earth is "Govindapuram" -also Booloka Vaikuntam.

For more details about the temple activities, Events, Audio and Video of his namasankeerthanam and pravachanams visit

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