  • Onion - 1 big, chopped
  • Vegetables - 2 cups (chopped Carrot, Beans, Cauliflower, Potato and little Peas)
  • Tomato - 1 chopped
  • Yogurt - 1/2 cup
  • Coconut - 1/4 cup
  • Cashews - few
  • Green chillies - 2 slit
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Corriander powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Bay leaves - 1
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 inch stick
  • Cardamom - 2
  • Curry leaves - few
  • Corriander leaves - for garnishing
  • Salt- as required
How to make it:

Steam all the vegetables until just done. Grind cashews and coconut into a paste. Heat oil in a pan, add bay leaves, cinnamon and crushed cardamom. Add the green chillies and onion and fry until onion turns light brown. Now add the chopped tomatoes and fry for 2 minutes or until it becomes soft. Add the ground paste, turmeric powder, salt, chilli powder and corriander powder. Fry for a while. Add 1/2 cup water and steamed vegetables and cook until it starts to thicken. Add the yogurt and mix well. Cook for 2 more minutes. Garnish with corriander leaves.

Its award time now.. Jaishree of Ruchi and Vibaas of Delectable vegetarian recipes passed me these awards 1. Adorable blog award, 2. Amazing blog award, 3.Triple award and 4. One lovable blog award.
I would like to pass these awards to Archy, Asha, Happy cook, Madhumathi, Mahimaa's kitchen, Sripriya, Superchef, Sriharivatsan, Gita's kitchen, Uma, Usha, Cham and Laavanya.
Vibaas has also passed me the Super duper chef awards. Gita has passed me the Friends award. I'm drown in this lovely rain. Feeling honoured and flying in joy!
I have updated the awards on my Index page.

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35 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Wow cool layout. Chandrabhaga has a new look ;-) Gr8 job Anu!

    Mmmm.... can smell the aroma of the kurma from here :)) Looks Wonderful!

  2. Finla Says:

    wow the kurma mools so yummy delicious.

  3. Archy Says:

    Hey, new looks, its gud Anu.. Nice veg kurma !!

  4. nice blog template.. looks cute.

    kurma looks so colorful and tempting anu.

  5. Manju Says:

    i like the new look..cool!!! and the kurma looks absolutely divine!!n thanks for passing the award to me :):)

  6. FH Says:

    Kurma looks mouthwatering. Love the color, must try. Bookmarking it! :)

  7. slurppppppp...what a lovely yummy kurma dear anu..cant stop drooling..:)
    great layout dear..looks fresh..I feel like,if only the main side have a little more width,it would be even more fab!!

  8. that is so sweet dear..thanks for the awards.. will give u credits in my awards page later.

  9. Cham Says:

    Nice template, and tasty Kurma. Congrats on ur awards and thanks to share with me!

  10. Unknown Says:

    kalakara anu.. nice lay out.. not nice excellant lay out.. kurma looks mouthwatering... thxs for the awards..

  11. Ashwini Says:

    Nice template Anu..Kurma looks yummy and lovely color..

  12. Preety Says:

    kurma looks super delicious

  13. Pooja Says:

    You changed your template.Its looking nice.....Kurma is colorful...Nice post anu...

  14. indosungod Says:

    Ooh! that is a nice layout. Kurma is always a great side for idli, dosai or rotis. Looks delish.

  15. Lovely template...Kurma looks yummy...Tx for the award..

  16. A_and_N Says:

    Great template :) And I did not know Kurma was this easy!

  17. Saritha Says:

    Lovely template chandrabhaga.You are very creative person,i checked ur paintings and crafts as well.I liked ur paintings so much.They are very nice.

  18. Uma Says:

    Pretty layout Anu! Kurma looks mouth-watering. Congrats on the awards and thank you so much for thinking about me!

  19. suvi Says:

    lovely layout Anu! Just love the new look :)

  20. wow...nice layout....lovely yummy kurma dear

  21. Finla Says:

    Back again thankyou for passing the award to me too, you are so swet.

  22. Priya Suresh Says:

    Wat a colourful Kurma..lovely ANu...Love the new look of chandrabhaga!!

  23. miss v Says:

    i like the new look. also, could you substitute a pinch of curry for the curry leaves?

  24. Laavanya Says:

    Nice new layout Anu... :)
    Kurma looks awesome.. love this with parottas or idiyaapam.

    Congratulations on your well deserved awards and thank you so much for thinking of me.

  25. Chutneytales Says:

    Love the new look of your blog..
    Korma is very inviting..it looks wonderful

  26. Malar Gandhi Says:

    Whooo what a great layout, like it. Kurma veetukku varalama(can I drop in)??

  27. gtyuk Says:

    congrats for the awards!

    Vegetable kurma looks perfect, lovely color!

  28. Such a yummy dish... lovely photo :)

  29. Vishali Says:

    Veggie Kurma looks delicious Anu....perfect for lunch or dinner...:)

  30. Vibaas Says:

    Kurma looks yum.

    Template is very cute :)

  31. Kurma looks so colorful and tempting... Nice template Anu:) congrats on your award...

  32. Anonymous Says:

    Congrats on the awards Anu! :)
    Lovely kurma... Like the recipe, looks simple and delicious!

    Love the new look of the blog too...

  33. Shivali Says:

    Great looking korma.Color of the dish in itself makes it so inviting.

  34. Kurma looks great and delicious.

  35. Dori Says:

    Looks so creamy and delicious!